Moments Define Legacies

How Will Your Leadership be Remembered?

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Moments Define Legacies

How Will Your Leadership be Remembered?

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the Duality of the 2021 rebound

2020 was a year to remember for a number of reasons, but most course management teams  witnessed the true duality of our industry and have been forced to make tough choices. As you look ahead to another year of uncertainty, Progeny Golf can help with the following:

  • Balancing the tradition and majesty of years gone by with the addition of new, competitive revenue streams.
  • Accommodating up to 6000 additional rounds, while suffering excessive wear and tear on your course and grounds.
  • Reducing staff from in-person dining, while adjusting a menu to a grab-and-go model.
  • Serving waves of new and inactive golfers, while managing a reasonable pace of play.
  • Maintaining idle event space while preparing for the pent-up demand of future events.
  • Investing in the future of your enterprise, yet retaining liquidity to mitigate risk.
  • Retaining membership benefits, while practicing diversity and inclusion.
  • Accepting a larger percentage of cashless transactions, yet fairly compensating gratuity-based positions.
  • Evaluating alternative sources of single-rider course transportation without creating a comedic mix of technical specialists.

Moments Define Legacies.

How will your leadership be remembered?

Your ability to guide your organization through the challenges of today’s environment will require a different set of skills than ever before.

At Progeny Golf, we provide coaching and advisory services to the management teams of courses and clubs that are working to create more memorable moments for customers. We enable you to treat the organization as a singular enterprise, where golf collaborates with F&B, and the pro shop works in synergy with event planning.  Through coordination with PGA experts and some of the finest turf professionals on the planet, Progeny provides the experience, the knowledge and the innovation to take your business to the next level. Noone knows your course like you do.  Nobody knows your business like we do.

Noone knows your course like you do.  Nobody knows your business like we do.

Sign up for your complimentary coaching session today! Mention code “NGCOA” and receive the following:

  • 10% off your coaching investment for 3 months
  • Exclusive One-Day Club Strategy Workshop, in your first month
  • Early registration access to 2 PGA-sponsored Personal Development Days, dates TBD

Is your Golf Course giving you the financial & personal lifestyle you imagined?

See if you recognize these challenges at your Course:

  • Your greens fees (and other revenue sources) are down … again …
  • You don’t know if you can trust your facility/pro shop/event planning staff to focus on what’s best for your business …
  • You feel as if you are becoming a micro-manager, out of necessity…
  • Your maintenance expense continues to climb, but your customers are unhappy …

If you face any of these challenges in your business, we can help! All it requires is 60-90 minutes of your time, and a commitment to your future.  In our complimentary meeting, we will discuss solutions to these challenges and more with you.  At the end of it all, I’m confident you’ll like what you hear.  I have helped management teams like yours achieve their business goals, in a variety of industries.

Listen to what another client had to say:
“While I was successful before hiring Progeny, I didn’t have a long-term plan, my systems were pretty lousy, and I was never sure what the profit and revenues were going to be each month. After working with Russ … my revenue and profit not only increased but became more consistent, to an extent that made the investment in coaching more than pay for itself.”

To take advantage of this complimentary meeting, you will want to be prepared to treat your organization like the enterprise that it is.  We guarantee it will be the best time investment you’ve made.

Who’s it for

I Need Coaching

It’s ok. You’re not alone. In fact, most leaders of all businesses from start-up to Fortune 500’s have areas to improve in.

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I Need Clarity

Clarity is critical in any business evolution. It leads to better business decisions and outcomes. Ultimately, it leads to a higher probability of success.

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I Need Education

Even the most experienced leaders from the largest companies hire consultants. Why? To gain an outside perspective from experienced professionals that can fill gaps where internal resources are missing. Small business owners have an even greater need for filling knowledge gaps.

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How does Progeny help a Golf Course or a Country Club?

Most people look at a golf course and see little more than a business built around finding golfers and providing a leisurely experience for their recreation.  However, as those you know, when the curtain is pulled back, there is so much more to a course than the golfers’ satisfaction.

The fact is, there are up to a dozen different business models that are housed within the average course or club. Certainly, course upkeep is a master’s education in agronomy and landscaping, but have you ever realized that filling a tee sheet is the equivalent of booking a 240-room hotel to capacity on a daily basis?  Handling monthly memberships is an exercise in subscription-based services, yet it often resides side-by-side with traditional retail in the Pro Shop.  Food & Beverage itself has at least four revenue streams, including dine-in, bartop, takeout, and on-the-course options. Many clubs will include event planning, along with swimming, fitness and tennis facilities.

Managing for success in this multi-faceted environment requires an exorbitant amount of industry expertise, and it is rare that the management team has the right mix of experience to truly capitalize in each capacity of the enterprise.  This is where Progeny Golf will help.  We provide the necessary outside perspective and management skills to teach your organization how to fill those knowledge gaps.  With more than 20 years in business across numerous industries, we have seen what it takes for a business enterprise to succeed, and how to create an environment that allows these multiple business models to serve the same future.